In "The Flying Mobulas of the Sea of Cortez "

That is simply amazing, dng. Thanks for that. I've snorkeled with these before (ala image 3 in his gallery) off the coast of Baja Conception but had no idea they could "fly" as it were. They are beautiful just to watch in the water, graceful and elegant. Now, if we can coordinate with our new Mobula brothers, perhaps we stand a chance against the future Giant Squid revolution.

In "Star Wars as it should have been"

Sad like a baboon with only a slightly rouge bum?

In "The zombie dots have evolved!"

Doh, I just did the same livii. Sorry about the redundant emails guys.

Oh no, NickDanger, I am not "people killer". I am hanging with "people killer". Someone hold me.

Scouted the Giddings Mall. There are already a BUNCH of folks in there. I am going to retire for the day in Davenport Cinema. Hopefully, "people killer" will not live up to their name.

I am also over at Davenport Cinema (81, 43) with a nefarious sounding player named "people killer".

In "40 things that only happen in the movies."

"Prostitutes always look like Julia Roberts or Jamie Lee Curtis. They have expensive clothes and nice apartments but no pimps. They are friendly with the shopkeepers in their neighbourhood who don't mind at all what the girl does for a living." Not always, but I know of a few in my town that actually fit that bill.

In "Rock Scissors Paper"

"But I’m more of a paper person – trying to cover all my bases at once, stretched a little think, not one to leave something uncovered or undone." He should've thinought that line out a little longer.

In "Lava Tubes are natural conduits"

Well, to comment on the whole concept of whether or not Karen has a leg to stand on in her cave: Three words: Public Fucking Land She has as much right to live there as I have as much right to go in there and tell her to get the fuck out. That is the whole point of public land. She's screwed, I am afraid. I can understand the references to Walden Pond and the rest... but ultimately she was squatting and got away for it with for three years. But really, she has no right to privacy or "citizen's rights" when it comes to a search warrant. I do honestly hope she gets back in her cave, though.

In "Bill Gates Endgadget Interview"

Actually... I was hoping for less obsfucation. Bill typically seems more straight forward and less of a product shiller.

In ""

uh... "were used" I've PatitaSyndrome.

Well, the "candle" and the "pyramid", side-by-side, was used for my last cocktail party. Red and pink, respectively.

In "Curious George: I need a graphic artist to design a logo"

First off, I would recommend you hit the art school in your city. It gives the student something for their portfolio and won't break your budget. In fact, something I have done in the past is put up a flyer for an "open bid" for all-comers. The winning logo gets the cash and all the students get to learn from the process. I would be very straight-forward about what you want... as detailed as possible as to what you need and where there is room for creativity. You could end up from something linear to something almost abstract and everything inbetween to choose from. But please, please offer something up for it. Students often get taken advantage of. Or, some Monkey here might do it out of the goodness of their simian hearts. I would, but I am swamped.

In "Kintana:"

I mean, if the locals fear it: "The aye-aye is a creature thought so ugly that in its native jungle superstitious villagers beat it to death" SOMEthing has to be up with it. If that thing escapes and gets even close to a leaking nuclear storage tank... well, say bye to Bristol, lovelies. Imagine those "cute" fingers 6 feet long. *shivers*

In "Forgetful Monkey: "

Damn... groovy as all hell.

In "A flow of water greater than that of all the rivers on earth."

This is my neck of the woods. I can say without reservation that many of the geological features are still a site to behold after 13,000 years. From the Columbia Gorge to the Scablands to various erratic rocks in the valleys of Oregon, it is truly awesome to sit down and ponder a view almost anywhere in the Pacific Northwest.

In "Who's old now?"

hikikomori, to put it bluntly, grow up. or rather, please don't. but realize, as others have pointed out, that you are not unique and you shouldn't judge. none of us is a position to judge. we just know better considering we said such stupid things at 19. 'cause we're old. don't change... please... we need your innocence.

In "Curious George: What did you do today?"

I was getting some early Valentine's Day action going in a treehouse. We were there for three glorious days, most of it in the hottub. But now like rolypolyman, I am back to work, at home slaving away.

In "Sweatin' Monkey:"

I wonder if I could somehow etch sentimental memories on heart-shaped strawberries dipped in chocolate? Seriously, though... I am digging the idea of hand made things. I will probably do both of those. Any other romantics out there with groovy ideas?

In "Playful Chocolate"

Well... considering the alternative, chocolate ain't all that bad.

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)